Thursday 16 May 2013

13 #4

i'm sorry it's too late. imagine if today is 13th of May. okay?

Happy anniversary 4 months, Fadh... I just love u too much. really.


lots a love, Fadh...

Wednesday 15 May 2013

shock on the first. but over all, i'm fine. so can u imagine if someone who called as ur "bestfriend" talk shit behind u? about you? and it has been published? can u? it hurts me so much ya. whatever u say, it won't  make u better than me u know. just for ur information u're soooo selfish. talk all shit behind me, isn't cool anyway. are u better than me? can i call u bestfriend after this all shit moment? or can i call u as a "perfect" person so it can make u feel 'oh my god she knows i'm better'. can i? should i? SO I'VE DONE WITH ALL. i don't care anymore about u, ur family, ur sister, ur brother. I'VE DONE. judge me if u r better than God. omg all this shit drove me crazy. so i hate u. as my friend. as my bestfriend. as my sister. BULLSHIT. i'm sorry for all my mistakes i've done. but. oh c'mon u've done same mistake too. of course. i just wanna punch or slap u on the face and give u a mirror. so u can look at urself. r u better? r u perfect? r u the best? no at all. anyway i'm sorry for all, mrs perfect. i know u r the best. i'm sorry if i annoyed u with all stupid things i've done. u know i've called u as my sister not my bestfriend anymore. but what? u treated me like a shit. so thank u. u r not my bestfriend anymore. i hope u r happy with this. i hope u found someone better as ur new bestfriend. ur contact bbm is not in my "besties" contact category anymore. u r free now. if u don't like me or my attitude just say it, on my face not my behind. go back with ur bestfriend who always have a good attitude not like me u said. or found someone new. once again it really really hurts me. now my tears are drop on my cheeks u know. just for ur information i love u like sister. i really do. now i hate u. really hate. i'll keep away from urself so u can do everything u want with someone who can always make u happy, once again not like me u said. of course on ur opinion i'm a bad girl who have a bad attitude. right? whatever u say. :-) karma does exist sist, and actually u really know about it right? i don't care if u r going to tell everyone about what i've done to you, but just don't forget to tell them too about what u've done to me, please. just shut the fuck up when u didn't know anything. my middle finger want to talk eyes to eyes with u. o ya, can u stop to copy my style already? poor u copycats. God knows who's right and who's wrong. look at urself first before u judge. last, it hurts me ya, really, congrats "best", :-)

Thursday 2 May 2013

April, 30th. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST COUPLE EVER, MOM AND DADDY!!! u know i love both of u for sure. i really do. to the fullest.

sedih ya ini tahun pertama ngerayain ulangtahun bunda dan bapak tapi ngga bisa bareng. biasanya sih tiup lilin berdua. ngasih kado juga buat dua orang. dan diakhiri makan bareng lengkap sekeluarga. sekarang? beda. ngga ada bapak. ngga ada mas dita. cuma aku, bunda, dan mba desty. u know i really miss u dad. bapak ngga bisa ngerayain ulangtahun bareng-bareng kita lagi. semoga ulangtahun bapak di surga lebih berkesan ya pak. kita disini selalu berdo'a buat bapak kok. kita kangen sama bapak. kita kangen disupirin pergi sama bapak. kita kangen makan bareng sama bapak. kita kangen liburan bareng sama bapak. pak, kita kangen sama bapak. too much. and when ur life getting harder it's time to change urself to be stronger. isn't right, pak?
maaf ya pak kita semua belum sempet berkunjung ke rumah bapak. semua sibuk sama urusan masing-masing. mas dita sekalipun ngga bisa pulang jogja buat ulangtahun bunda dan bapak. tapi kita selalu sayang sama bapak. u r best daddy ever. super daddy. my superhero. and always be. we love u dad. :-*

happy birthday for best mother ever!!! meskipun ngga bisa tiup lilin bareng sama bapak, kita selalu ada buat ibun kok. kita sayang ibun. strongest person i've ever seen. words can't describe how much i love u mom. tooooooooooooo much. i know i'm not the best person. or whatever it. but mom. when i say i love u. i mean it. i really do. u r the best, bun. :-*